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About the Author
Liisa Eyerly is the author of the historical mystery novel Obedient unto Death, the first book in an upcoming series featuring an intrepid sleuth, Sabina, who discovers her God-given talent for solving murders. Liisa's stories unite her love of solving mysteries with a thirst for studying the Bible, philosophy, history, and ancient cultures.Delve into the exotic world of ancient Rome with characters not unlike ourselves. Experience the struggles of first century Christians and of course join in outwitting the devious murderers inhabiting the twists and turns of her classic murder mysteries. Her meticulous research delivers authentic details of first century culture and life, often discovered after tumbling down endless rabbit holes of investigation and resurfacing days later clutching long buried treasures to share with her readers.
About the Author

Liisa Eyerly is the author of the historical mystery novel Obedient unto Death, the first book in an upcoming series featuring an intrepid sleuth, Sabina, who discovers her God-given talent for solving murders. Liisa's stories unite her love of solving mysteries with a thirst for studying the Bible, philosophy, history, and ancient cultures.Delve into the exotic world of ancient Rome with characters not unlike ourselves. Experience the struggles of first century Christians and of course join in outwitting the devious murderers inhabiting the twists and turns of her classic murder mysteries. Her meticulous research delivers authentic details of first century culture and life, often discovered after tumbling down endless rabbit holes of investigation and resurfacing days later clutching long buried treasures to share with her readers.