How does an author’s writing journey begin? I imagine the answers are infinite. From best-sellers to personal journals, authors tread paths as distinct as their novels, short stories, autobiographies, devotions, poetry, plays, news reports, social media pages, blogs, and letters. Here’s a bit about mine.
About Me:
I grew up in Oregon, Colorado, and Montana. Yep, some of the most spectacular places on earth. I attended college in Bozeman and graduated with a B.S. in elementary education from Montana State Billings – called Eastern way back then. That is where I met my husband, John. We moved to Iowa, where I taught for six years before deciding to stay at home with our three children. We moved to Wisconsin, where I received my M.A. in education from the University of Wisconsin Superior and began my career as a school librarian/media specialist (love those kids!!!).
Having Fun:
I enjoy pickleball, which in Wisconsin includes playing in 30-degree weather. Tennis and kayaking, connecting with my Finnish heritage, stained glass (when there is time), reading (even when there is not time), and traveling to visit friends, family, my children, and grandchildren (there is always time).
My Writing Journey:
My organized and structured writing began when I was teaching. I took a couple of classes on how to teach writing and began experimenting with my creations. I started a mystery romance novel and submitted a couple of children’s stories and a short story. After a few surprising rejections, I did not regroup, and my writing dropped off for many years.
Fast-forward to my children graduating. I got serious about my stories concentrating on a mystery novel. I collected the notes I had jotted down over the years, gathered the how-to writing books I’d been reading, and began researching in earnest for my book.
Obedient unto Death started as a question, actually many questions. When did the Apostles die? What was going on in the early Christian church after the Apostles died? I was curious about Paul’s descriptions of power struggles within the church and what kind of people would risk torture to defy the Roman Empire? Answers led to more questions and ultimately to my novel.
My Faith Journey:
Since childhood, my faith has grown due to the questions I have asked and the answers I have received. The foundational response demonstrated time and again is “God is faithful.” Ask, and you shall receive. He has answered my myriad of questions through reading His Word, Bible studies, meditations, listening to sermons, reading about Christians’ suffering and perseverance, my life circumstances, and answered prayers. Some answers astound like the ending of a great novel, and others delight with a subtle insight that builds over the years. Think about a favorite Bible verse that unveils new layers of wisdom with each reading.
Humans are questioners, and I have found my God is the ultimate answer. May your faith journey amaze you with revelations of God’s love, mercy, and faithfulness.