Obedient Unto Death, Fortunes of Death: Secrets of Ephesus series

Character snippets: SABINA 

Sabina, our female sleuth, was born the night of Nero’s death on June 9th, 68 AD, and is now 28.

Her pagan father served in the army until the death of her mother, Korinna, who died in childbirth when Sabina was eight years old, leaving her an only child. Her father has shown little interest in his only child. Leaving her to her wiles and the guidance of Amisi, her childhood enslaved nurse, and Zarmig, her father’s freedman bodyguard. She experienced a life of independence and autonomy unusual and, according to Amisi, inappropriate for an eligible young woman of equestrian status. That freedom came to a halt when she was twelve and nearly abducted by slavers while wandering the market unattended.

Sabina is well educated. The family tutor had no sons to teach and conceded to educate Sabina, although instructing a female was beneath him. 

Sabina is a Christian when it is dangerous to profess the faith. Her mother extracted a deathbed oath from her pagan husband, promising he would allow Sabina to continue worshipping her God. So far, he has lived up to his promise.

Sabina was betrothed as an infant to a youth who died in battle. Then, as a young girl to a young man who drowned. In desperation not to be left unwed, at 20 years old, she accepted a negotiated offer from an older, wealthy man who died before consummating the marriage on their wedding night, leaving her a widow. Her husband’s adult children returned her dowry, and she was sent back to her father’s house, with a reputation of having a curse that kills her suitors. A superstition strongly believed by her fellow citizens.