Apparently, everyone in business, social media, publishing, AND WRITING needs one of these—even me—who knew?

No, not a logo—but a brand. When someone mentions Stephen King, we get an image, a feeling, or a memory. This image is different if we think of Nicholas Sparks, John Sanford, JK Rowling, or your favorite author.

Successful brands are supposed to sear their product into our brains. Because of this, publishers prefer authors to stick with one kind of brand or genre so readers don’t get confused. When an author builds an audience in romance and then writes a mystery, a pen name is usually required to make the switch-a-roo. They don’t want a reader purchasing a book and finding out they’re biting into a Big Mac instead of the Dunkin’ Donuts they were expecting.  

This is a long introduction to let you know I’m on the hunt for my brand. It is not as easy as it sounds. And I could use your help. I need your expert feedback on three questions. It will help if you read Obedient Unto Death, but that is not totally necessary. Please fill out the questionnaire below.

One of the first steps in branding a book is choosing the cover. A successful cover should convey the genre instantly. How well do you know your genre covers? 

Can you match the cover with the genre/emotion/storyline?  (answers at the end)

Mystery   /   Romance   /  Thriller   /   Sci-Fi   /   Inspirational

Here is the questionnaire – this form will be accepting submissions through the summer of 2024


Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and knowledge.



Answers to Genre Covers Quiz:

The Deepest Sigh by Naomi Musch – Romance – A

Executive Power by Vince Flynn- Thriller – B

Test of Honor by Lois McMaster Bujold- SciFi – C

Divine Detour by Lori Ann Wood- Inspirational – D

Purgatory Ridge by William Kent Krueger- Northwoods Mystery – E