January 11, 2022
0 Comments7 Minutes
Christian Persecution
Christian persecution in 96 AD/CE, the era of "Obedient unto Death", was not an all-out war against Christians. The Romans, in general, were tolerant of diverse religions; What got Christians in…
February 8, 2021
0 Comments5 Minutes
Grilled sow’s womb for dinner, anyone?
In my upcoming book Obedient unto Death, describing meals eaten 2000 years ago can prove interesting. In a previous blog, I discussed the seating chart at a Roman dinner party—the host assigned…
January 13, 2021
0 Comments4 Minutes
It is Really Happening?
My new year started with a huge celebration!!!! CrossRiver Media accepted my historical mystery novel Obedient unto Death for publication, with a target launch date of December of 2021. Getting…
December 24, 2020
0 Comments5 Minutes
A Treacherous Topic part 2
I found no records of general concern to humanize the laws governing slavery. For the most part, the ruling class agreed slaves had no personal rights apart from those granted by their masters. This…
October 9, 2020
0 Comments1 Minutes
A writing journey: inspiration
I can't pinpoint the exact moment in my life when inspiration struck, and I knew I had to drop everything and write. Many writers say they knew they wanted to be an author the first time they picked…
October 9, 2020
0 Comments5 Minutes
Treacherous Topic part 1
When we attempt to relate to another culture, especially one existing over 2500 years ago, confusion, bewilderment, and in the case of slavery, rage is bound to happen. The culture of slavery is an…
August 30, 2020
0 Comments4 Minutes
If you eat with your fingers you might be a Roman.
In my murder #mystery novel “Obedient unto Death,” I needed to describe a formal Roman dinner. I have watched movies portraying Roman dinner parties, but watching and writing about them are two…
July 25, 2020
2 Comments2 Minutes
Providence – God’s Plan for Me
I have lost count of the times I have been astounded and amazed by God’s providence. I keep saying I should record all the miracles that have transpired, the “coincidences,” the “I can’t believe it”…