Providence – God’s Plan for Me

I have lost count of the times I have been astounded and amazed by God’s providence. I keep saying I should record all the miracles that have transpired, the “coincidences,” the “I can’t believe it” moments. I am overwhelmed by the number, though some are more memorable than others. An unexpected insurance payment arrives when a large medical bill is due. A piece of property sells allowing for a timely house remodel. An off-hand comment by a colleague leads to a welcome job offer. Picking up an out-of-town newspaper and finding an urgently needed used car for sale.

Many would call it luck, random timing, or chance. But for me the odds are too great, the instances too many, the message too loud – “I am your God, and I am taking care of you just as I promised.”

Does that mean everything in my life is hunky-dory? That would be a resounding no, but the strength and comfort God gives during downtimes have yet to fail me. Like Job, when Satan bent God’s ear—I pray that God allows only as much adversity and testing as I can handle. I take strength in the belief that all things, from our creator redeemer God, work together for our good. This is a lesson I and my characters learn time and again as we struggle through life. I remember an illustration of the back of an embroidered tapestry. It is an ugly, chaotic mess, but turn the tapestry over and a wonder of artwork is displayed. When I see only knots, crisscrossed threads and the tangles of a work in progress, God sees a grand design.

May we acknowledge our blessings as gifts and our suffering and trials as paths to a deeper trust, and growing reliance on God’s grand plan. God’s providence works in many ways at many levels. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways…” Isaiah 55:8.

Acknowledging all His ways keeps me astounded and amazed.

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